Please complete the following exercises on this page. When complete post this page to your server. Make a link in your WDV221 homework page for this assignment.
Submit this assignment on Blackboard. Please include a link to your homework page.
1. Define a String variable called schoolName and assign it a value of DMACC.
2. Define a String variable called courseName and assign it a value of WDV221 Intro Javascript
3. Define a Numeric variable called testScore and assign it a value of 100.00.
4. Define a Numeric variable called courseGrade. Do not give it a value.
5. Define a Boolean variable called courseCompleted. Give it a value of false.
Display the value of all the variables in their own paragraphs below.
Display the number of characters in the course name.
Display the course name as all uppercase letters.
Using the String Object determine if the course name contains the letters WDV? Look at the String methods. Does one or more of them look inside the variable for specific content?
Does the course name contain the letters WDV: